How to Generated Private Key and Address wallet Tron from Mnemonic (words) in Python
- Generate a seed from the mnemonic phrase using a BIP39 library.
- Derive a master private key (xprv) from the seed using BIP32.
- Derive a child private key (xprv) from the master private key using BIP32.
- Derive a public key (xpub) from the child private key using BIP32.
- Derive a TRON address from the public key using TRON-specific address derivation algorithm.
Here’s an example Python code that generates a TRON address and private key from a mnemonic phrase using the mnemonic
and secp256k1
import hashlib
import hmac
import base58
import mnemonic
import secp256k1 # pip install secp256k1
# Set the mnemonic phrase
MnemonicPhrase = 'abandon method word home fire water pencil ruller book system smartabout'
# Generate a seed from the mnemonic phrase
SeedBytes = mnemonic.Mnemonic.to_seed(MnemonicPhrase)
# Derive a master private key (xprv) from the seed
MasterPrivateKey ='TRON seed', SeedBytes, hashlib.sha256).digest()
# Derive a child private key (xprv) from the master private key
ChildPrivateKey = secp256k1.PrivateKey(MasterPrivateKey).derive(0)
# Derive a public key (xpub) from the child private key
PublicKeyBytes = secp256k1.PublicKey(ChildPrivateKey).serialize(compressed=False)[1:]
# Derive a TRON address from the public key
sha3_256 = hashlib.sha3_256(PublicKeyBytes).digest()
AddressBytes = b"\x41" + sha3_256[-20:]
Address = base58.b58encode_check(AddressBytes)
# Display the address and private key
print(f"TRON address: {Address.decode()}")
print(f"Private key: {ChildPrivateKey.secret.hex()}")
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Can very easy use of Blockthon:
from Blockthon import Wallet, Tron
# mnemonic string
mnemonic_string = "ENTER YOUR MNEMONIC HERE"
# convert mnemonic to private key (hex)
privatekey = Wallet.Mnemonic_To_PrivateKey()
# convert private key to tron address
tron_Address = Tron.Address_From_PrivateKey(privatekey)